Traveling around the world
Born in Milan (Italy), with a degree in Economy, he received in 1977 a Master from the United States Department of Agriculture as a cotton classifier.
A passionate traveller and hiker, he is a freelance Nature photographer and journalist.
He has always been fond of trips “on the road” but his interest for Nature and Wilderness photography took shape around 1985, when he left his working activity in the textile business, considered to be too sedentary. This led him to discover and capture, with the lens of his camera, the hidden beauties of a still untouched enviroment. The pursuit of a deep contact with Outdoor life helped to increase his curiosity as a traveller and his restless wish to move more and more.

Married to a finnish lady, with a son and daughter bilingual, he has become a great expert of Scandinavian Countries and mostly of Finland. He is the author of “Sentieri della Finlandia”, the only hiking guide that covers the entire Finnish territory as a result of many years of passionate work on the field.
In 2017, on the occasion of the 100 years of independence of Finland, he published the book of panoramic photos “Finland land of Lights” which is considered one of the most beautiful books on Nature in Finland.
In 2018, his exhibition entitled “Istanti d’Acqua” (Instants of Water) at the Acquario Civico in Milan during the Milan Photo Week was a great success.
In 2019 he published the book “Elias Lönnrot’s Homeland” dedicated to Elias Lönnrot, one of the fathers of finnish literature, on the landscapes of southern Finland.
He has collaborated with the Finnish Tourist Board, with Finnair and with the Finnish Forestry department publishing calendars, guides and books.

Photo equipment
Analog photo
Camera body: 35 mm Contax MT 167 (now no more in use)
Zoom lenses: Zeiss ranging from wide-angle 18 to 300 (now no more in use)
Panoramic camera: 6 X12 Noblex PRO 6/150 U
Film: Fuji Velvia 50
Digital photo
Camera body: Canon Eos 5D, Eos 5D Mark II (now no more in use) / Canon Eos 5D Mark III, Canon Eos 5D Mark IV, Canon Eos 7D Mark II
Zoom lenses: Canon (Ranging from wide-angle 14 to 300)
Extender: EF 1,4x II